
your store and have every intention of being a regular customer."

The sales lady exuded radiance, and the two talked happily as they selected more lingerie.

"Your hair is lovely" the sales lady commented.

"Oh, thank you, that is nice of you. By the way, you will be closing soon?"

"In about five minutes.'


"Perhaps you would like to have dinner with me,

I know a cute little restaurant near by."

And so the two dined together and spent a remark- able evening. It was such a good investment for the new woman too, since through the sales lady as time passed, more feminine companions were added to fill out her new world. The sales lady remained her fondest friend. It was a very happing and most rewarding world.

Even at the piano bar where the decision was first made, feelings were different and thoughts more serene. The blonde pianist looked as lovely as ever but there was no envy now. After all they were sharing the same things



Need a wig and a bargain at the same time? Here it is. A warm brown color with slight reddish cast. Brand new, all human hair, already dressed. This piece has never been worn, nothing wrong with it, but color not right for the very fair skinned owner. Worth over $100, as it is a ventilated, hand tied piece, but offered at the price of a wefted, machine made wig so owner may obtain money quickly to purchase a wig of more befifting color. Take it for $75.00. Send money order with order. If not satisfactory re- turn within 10 days in same condition for a refund. Please place this order through CONTACT, 4924 WEST PICO BLVD, LOS ANGELES 19, CALIFORNIA.

